DSC Spatial Services provides unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) image acquisition, photogrammetric digital surface modeling, and spatial data analysis to serve the following sectors:
UAV mission products:
Spatial analysis products that can be derived from UAV mission products:
DSC Spatial Services can also conduct custom spatial analysis or suitability analysis for any project.
DSC Spatial Services can capture aerial imagery with high precision and accuracy using a real-time kinematic (RTK) global navigation satellite system (GNSS) enabled UAV combined with an RTK base station.
Proprietary software is used on the UAV controller during data capture, but no images are transmitted over the Internet.
Open source software is used to process all data locally on DSC Spatial Services' computers. None of your data is ever stored in the cloud or processed on third-party cloud software. All your data will remain only on DSC Spatial Services' computers and hardware from acquisition, through processing, and after delivery. Processing data with open source software provides more flexibility for adjusting processing parameters and reduces the cost of processing.
My name is David Cordner, I am the sole proprietor of DSC Spatial Services. I have over 18 years of experience conducting geographic information system (GIS) analysis and field work collecting spatial data at Central Washington University as an Instructional and Classroom Support Technician. I have worked on grant research projects with Washington State and Yakama Nation agencies to collect and analyze both cultural and environmental data using GIS and GNSS technologies, as well as developed spatial web applications.
Master of Science, Cultural and Environmental Resource Management, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
Bachelor of Science, Landscape Architecture, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
Technical Lead and Field Researcher: Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historical Preservation Cultural Resource Inventory for Renewable Energy Lands. For: Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historical Preservation. (5/1/24 – Present)
Technical Instruction and Training: Roslyn Historical Cemeteries. For: Central Washington University Archaeological Field School. (7/1/22 – 8/15/22), (7/1/23 – 8/15/23)
Technical Instruction and Training: Cultural Resource Mapping on Lake Cle Elum. For: Bureau of Reclamation. (7/1/18 – 8/15/18), (7/1/19 – 8/15/19)
GIS Analyst and Field Researcher: Washington State Eel Grass Monitoring Protocol. For: Washington Department of Natural Resources Contract. (7/13-6/17)
GIS Analyst and Field Researcher: Monitoring of Yakama Nation Riparian Restoration Sites. For: Yakama Nation (5/10-3/12), (6/12-3/14).
GIS Analyst: Shoreline Habitat Characterization and Analysis for the Banks Lake Fishery Evaluation Project (Phase 2). For: Washington Department of Ecology (9/08-12/09).
GIS Analyst: City of Medical Lake Shoreline Master Program Update. For: City of Medical Lake/Washington Department of Ecology (submitted with Studio Cascade) (02/04-08/05).
GIS Analyst: City of Chewelah Shoreline Master Program Update. For: Town of Chewelah/Washington Department of Ecology (submitted with Studio Cascade) ( 02/04-08/05).
Central Washington Historical Aerial Photograph Project. Department of Geography, Central Washington University. (Published 8/13). Access at: https://www.gis.cwu.edu/historical_airphotos